investing in myself

If you had told me even a few months ago that I’d be launching a professional website, curating my portfolio, and finally stepping into the world of commissions, I probably would have laughed nervously and shaken my head. Not because I didn’t want to—I did, I promise I did—but because it always felt like one of those “one day” dreams.

You know the kind. One day when I have the time. One day when I have the money. One day when I feel ready.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I know I have a habit of saying one day all the time and still imagining I’ll get to it eventually.

The problem with saying those things is… they rarely get put into action. Eventually becomes a distant dream, and one day becomes someday.

But here I am, actually doing it.

I suppose that means my “one day” has finally arrived. I found the time. I feel ready. And thanks to some incredibly generous people on my paper route, I now have the means to make it happen.

Before this year, I wasn’t sure how I’d afford a website, let alone everything else that I was able to do the past few months, but the kindness of others changed that. Every day for the past few years, I’ve delivered newspapers to the driveways and doors of people in my city, and every Christmas, some of my customers show their appreciation with a gift. The tips range from candy and cookies and once even a pie, to small amounts of cash, gift cards, and, occasionally, a larger check. I appreciate them all so much—every thoughtful gesture, every moment someone took to say, “Hey, I see you, and I appreciate what you do.”

This year, though? The generosity completely floored me.

I’ve always been a bit frugal. I have trouble spending money on myself. I usually tuck away holiday tips for practical things—gas, bills, and unexpected expenses (tires! Oh gosh, the tires and brakes, and general vehicle maintenance with this job)—but this year, as the envelopes and well-wishes added up, I realized something.

This was an opportunity to invest in myself and my future.

That’s a hard thing to do sometimes, isn’t it? To say, I am worth this. My dreams are worth this. But as I looked at what I’d been given, I saw an opportunity to take a real step forward.

Especially because just weeks before, on my birthday, I received an incredible gift from my family as well: a brand new Huion Kamvas 24 Plus graphics tablet. I’ve both wanted and needed a new tablet for years, but that too was a one day expense.

Here I was, sometime in December, with a brand new graphics tablet, a renewed sense of direction… and a sudden influx of capital to launch the career I wanted.

So, I did.

The first purchase I made? A mentorship I was interested in, but could never justify the expense for. I might have panicked immediately after, because the last time I spent that much money in one go, I was buying a car, but that’s neither here nor there.


I signed up for an 8-week critiqued (the expensive one, hence the panic lol) class with Ognjen Sporin on everything that goes into creating amazing character illustrations. We’ll cover light, color, composition, design, storytelling, and more. I can’t wait for it to begin on February 22!

In the meantime, I’ve been busy with other big things. Setting up this website for example! Recently, I purchased my website domain and subscription. I’ve been hard at work…

  • Writing the privacy policy, terms & conditions

  • Setting up the commission page, and painting examples

  • Curating my portfolio (you wouldn’t believe how much I’ve culled)

  • Planning my first journal entry (starting with this one!)

  • … giving myself a small makeover so I’d have some professional-quality photographs for the site!

It’s been a lot of work, but I’m beyond excited to see it all coming together.

This wasn’t just about launching a website. It was about stepping forward into the career I’ve always wanted. I’ve been an artist and writer my whole life, but I’ve always used places like Artstation and Instragram to share my work. There’s nothing wrong with that. I’ll continue to use them in the future, but now? Now I have a space that’s truly mine—a place to share my work, to grow, and to offer my art to others.

And I have the kindness of strangers—now familiar names on my delivery list—to thank for giving me that final push.

To anyone reading this who has ever left a tip for someone in your life, no matter how big or small—know that it makes a difference.

Sometimes, it’s more than just a little extra spending money.

Sometimes, it’s the thing that turns “one day” into today.